Taquinidos de la reserva nacional de Rio Clarillo (DIPTERA : TACHINIDAE )
Thirty eight genera and 53 species of Tachinid (Díptera: Tachinidae) parasitic flies are reported
in this paper as common and frequent in the National Reserve of Ihe Río Clarillo located at the foot
steps of the Andes in our Región Metropolitana of Santiago (33e51‘Lat. S-705 29‘Long O). The
examples were collected with net and Malaise trap during the wholc year around from September
1987 to September 1990. The natural vegetation of the Reserve is briefly described. The Subfamily
Goniinae are the best represented at the Reserve. The known hosts of these 53 species are larvae or
nymphs of several families of Lepidoptera, of Coleóptera, and Hemiptera and may be other so far
undetecled Orders of Insects. The preserved examples are deposited at the Insects Collection of the
Instituto de Entomología, Santiago.